No oozing sores or loss of limbs, but most react to those suffering
with MCS/EI, mentally and emotionally as they would have reacted towards
a leper physically, way back when. Getting too close or "touching" an
understanding of the condition means you might catch it, means your old
way of life might become deformed, might deteriorate into a mere
skeleton of what it once was.
You might feel terrified that you
will be infected by the information, that you will no longer be "normal"
and accepted, that you are engaging in mental anarchy. You might feel
that if you really take in the severity of the consequences of chemical
exposures and the serious outcomes that can manifest (ie: this horrible
disease), surely your life and world view would so drastically mutate
from what it is now, that you couldn't handle the magnitude of the
changes that would ensue. You might not be able to fathom having to make
these changes, it might feel like sheer terror having to approach the
issue at all. Most likely you will feel afraid of being different, of
asking the world not to do harm, of initiating the necessary steps you
must take not to poison yourself and others on a daily basis.
might be horrified and not actually be able to believe how seriously you
are harming yourself and others, how you are harming your family and
children, how your family and loved ones are harming you. You might feel
so much shock that you go numb. You might feel mortified, when you see
how much industrial corruption harms us, how little regulation there is
of chemicals in products on the market that you have been using since
you were a child, that your parents used when they were children. You
might be angry about how helpless you feel, you might not be able to
deal with how infuriated you are. You might feel like your entire
foundation is shaking. Or you might tell yourself you can't afford to
switch to natural products, that you're not liberal/green/ hippy, that
you love and rely on your chemical products way to much, that your
kids/spouse love their chemical products and certainly THEIR minds
couldn't be changed so why bother, that it couldn't possibly happen to
you or a loved one, that it's a rare disease, that germs are more
dangerous then chemical cleaners, and so on and so on. The brainwashing
fights against what is left of your mind.
Or you simply and
unequivocally might not give a shit. About our planet, whether you or
those around you live or die. You might be a sociopath. If so, don’t
worry, you are in good company. You are in the majority. You will be
accepted, employed, heavily rewarded, embraced in community. You will
have a two car garage and two cars in it. You will fit right into to
this cozy little world of mindless dispassion.
Imagine though now
that your body has a mind of it's own, as it does, and has other plans
in store for your future then the life of your brain. Imagine that you
no longer have a choice to maintain the privilege of denial. That your
lack of compassion catches up with you. That you are forced to
understand the severity of the damage that harsh chemicals have on the
human body and on the earth daily, and that you feel the pain and agony
of this knowing, directly. Imagine that your body, suddenly, maybe
overnight, develops the inability to maintain the illusion and gives way
beneath you. That reality floods in all at once and you HAVE to deal,
like it or not. You become the social leper that you once alienated and
shunned. You become the shadow, the whisper, the one wearing a mask
being sneered at, the secret illness embodied. You become a political
issue simply because your body tells the true story that the media, that
the fragrance industry, that politicians, that the medical industry,
are desperately trying to hide. Your daily reality becomes invisible,
you fade into the background.
You are Jewish, Christian, Muslim,
Buddhist, Pagan, Atheist, White, Yellow, Black, Red, Olive, Democrat,
Republican, Liberal Progressive, Straight, Gay, but suddenly you are
part of a community of diverse strangers that you need to rely on and
trust for support. You are screaming as if behind the Matrix, and very
few can hear you. Their ears are filled with chemical jingles, pretty
songs they skipped along and hummed to as children, lies so loud their
ears have become deafened to truth. Their eyes are blurred by visual
enchantments, colorful, bright hypnotic cheer, blaring everywhere,
blinding their eyes to truth. Their minds are filled with information
mirages, with psychic implants, with masks upon masks, blocking truth.
Why else would a mother hold her child to her Downy breasts while the
child coughs and screams? Their minds have been drugged into submission.
Their bodies are filled with lethal poisons. Their bodies, ears, eyes
and minds are addicted to and numbed by lethal poisons.
So where's
Jesus when we need him? Where is the healer of lepers and wayward
souls? Where is this intermediary between truth and lies? Where is the
holy healer of earth and humanity? Where is my long lost ancestor, my
distant cousin, my great-uncle, my blood brother?
And these modern
day lepers, those with MCS, they too have to live on the edges of
society, often separated from their families and communities. As a
result, just like those separating themselves from the leper, everyone
is "protected", in this case from a consciousness they might catch. But
the question is, who is actually the leper? In this case, who is the one
that should be avoided? The fully chemical free human trying to heal
one's body and the planet, not polluting, not harming, just trying to
survive? Or the chemically saturated human, drenched in toxins from head
to toe, emitting poisons in all directions, harming, polluting? Who is
the healthier, who is the wiser, which state of being has become more
“deformed” from "normal".
Who is actually sicker? Those who have
fallen ill from the horrendous pollution and environmental devastation
of the planet and as a result now live impeccably healthy, earth
conscious lives? Or those who are so deeply invested in their denial of
what is happening on the planet that they would abandon family members
and loved ones who have fallen ill? Who would abandon their own health
and mental sovereignty in order to maintain the delusion they have been
handed, all the while continuing to contribute to the suffering of life
on earth. Not learning from the suffering of their friends, family and
neighbors. Not heeding the warning signs of those offering the gift of
their lives to show humanity that we can NO LONGER LIVE (Literally) THIS
So where's Jesus when we need him? Well, he/she's right
here... inside of us. WE, are the modern day sacrifices to a corrupt
planet, the ones dying for the world's sins against nature. WE, are the
teachers who are the embodiment of the teaching, of the harm we are
doing to the earth, the animals, ourselves and each other. WE, are a
million pieces of light that have fallen ill with MCS and other
chemically induced and terminal illnesses in order to help raise
awareness on the planet. WE, are the ones that even through our
suffering still fight for justice and planetary balance and peace. WE,
help each other, we heal each other, we heal ourselves. WE, are both the
sacrifice and the holy healer. It is within our power to make the
changes we need to. To care enough, to open our eyes and ears and
hearts. To open our minds. To heal the world.
So now we have come
to a draw. The face off between Environmental Illness and Mental
Illness. The showdown between the mind of the earth and mind of the
human being disconnected from the earth.
Which side are you on?
Who will win?
We will wait patiently and see.
It is a battle to the death.
Who will survive?
Cowboys take your positions.
Cowboys ready?
-Jamie Isman (Revision 9/1/12)
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