Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The War on "Terra" by Juice Media

"The War on Terra.  It's 2013 and the world did not end by meteorite or by Mayan calendar.  But fear not: we might just be able to get the job done ourselves.  Join Robert Foster as he sets out to discover where Civilisation™ is making the fastest progress towards annihilation.  In this edition of the Civilisation Report, Robert learns about Australia and Canada - two oft-neglected pioneers of peace, progress and prosperity - in conversation with our antipodean colonial correspondent Ken Oathcarn and his Canuck counterpart, Fagin Heighbard.  Dear viewers, consider this a fair warning that in terms of language and affront to the dominant culture this could get fucking messy. Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant in a suburban backyard home-studio in Melbourne, Australia - on Wurundjeri Land." ‪~