Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Five Wild Foods That Are Hiding In Plain Sight

"I specifically asked John Kallas, director of Wild Food Adventures in Portland, for a list of wild foods that are often overlooked. I mean, I love chanterelles and blackberries, but I’d also like to branch out a little.

Kallas is the author of Edible Wild Plants: Wild Foods From Dirt To Plate. It’s the first volume in a series of wild food books he plans to publish. He’s spent decades studying wild foods and applying his Ph.D in nutrition to them. Now he teaches at wild food workshops and events.

And he had no shortage of suggestions for under-appreciated wild foods I should try. However, I was surprised to find that, well, they’re all weeds: Dandelions, goosefoot, garlic mustard, chickweed, and broad-leaf dock. They’re super nutritious, he said, and you can find them anywhere you find people.

“Other people might call them weeds,” he said. “I call these plants native to humans. They grow where we are. Weeds is a diminutive term, and a lot of these plants are better nutritionally than some of the domesticated ones. They’re right under our noses. They’re everywhere, and most people don’t even know about them. They grow in your garden. You’re probably weeding them out.”

Let’s take them one at a time..." Click Here to Read Full Article

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